Bicycles. Connecting Cities. Honoring Madiba.
This year we were honoured to part of the organising team for Freedom Ride, Cape Town. It is not very often that you get a chance to be part of an event so empowering and hopeful.
Cape Town’s inaugural Freedom Ride saw over 2000 people of all ages, across diverse cultural backgrounds come together to cycle 27km to honor Madiba and celebrate his legacy of freedom and unity. In symbolically riding 1km for every year of Madiba’s sacrifice of his freedom, the ride explored the city’s cultural heritage, taking participants through a diverse network of urban transport and development corridors.
The ride started in Rondebosch, passing through Athlone, Langa, Pinelands, Woodstock and ended in Thibault Square in the Foreshore. The route was carefully chosen to reflect how the bicycle can break down barriers and link communities historically kept separate. The first of its kind in Cape Town, the Freedom Ride was truly a memorable and exciting event that was enjoyed by all.
Here are a few highlights of the day. Lots more pictures can be viewed in the Facebook Album.
Meet Mariska, the maker behind the cool, new bike-bag brand, Pieta Designs.
Win two tickets to this year’s Bicycle Film Festival – Cape Town!
Win an Enjoy ProXision kit (bib shorts and jersey) in our latest Gear Giveaway. Find out how to enter here…