Bicycle Culture by Design: Mikael Colville-Andersen at TEDX

“Historically, streets were human spaces. Let’s design our cities like we design toasters or smartphones, following the desire lines of our citizens.” – Mikael Colville-Andersen (Copenhagenize)

Mikael Colville-Andersen (urban mobility expert and CEO for Copenhagenize Consulting) gives an inspiring talk at TEDX Zurich sharing how design can help develop thriving, livable cities that are created to follow the desire lines of their citizens.

“Well designed bicycle infrastructure will seduce people to use it. You make the bicycle the quickest way from A-B in a city…. citizen cyclists will ride, seduced by the good design, the convenience and the safety”.

“The focus on re-establishing more liveable cities continues unabated. The primary problem, however, is that 85 years of traffic engineering revolving around the car has failed miserably. It’s time for modern thinking”.

“Design can help. Historically, streets were human spaces. Let’s design our cities like we design toasters or smartphones, following the desire lines of our citizens. Using basic design principles, instead of engineering, is the surest route to developing thriving, human cities”. – Mikael Colville-Andersen TEDX Zurich

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Director & Founder of BICYCLE SOUTH
Leonie is the founder & creative director of Bicycle South. A designer & environmental activist, Leonie is passionate about sustainability and a keen advocate for bicycle cities. When she is not blogging on local bicycle culture, you’ll find her adventuring on her gravel bike.
Director & Founder of BICYCLE SOUTH
Leonie is the founder & creative director of Bicycle South. A designer & environmental activist, Leonie is passionate about sustainability and a keen advocate for bicycle cities. When she is not blogging on local bicycle culture, you’ll find her adventuring on her gravel bike.

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