The highlights of the audience led discussion and debate about international best practice around bicycle safety and legislation, and the current challenges and opportunities facing SA cyclists.

The highlights of the audience led discussion and debate about international best practice around bicycle safety and legislation, and the current challenges and opportunities facing SA cyclists.


  • Author Posts
Director & Founder of BICYCLE SOUTH
Leonie is the founder & creative director of Bicycle South. A designer & environmental activist, Leonie is passionate about sustainability and a keen advocate for bicycle cities. When she is not blogging on local bicycle culture, you’ll find her adventuring on her gravel bike.
Director & Founder of BICYCLE SOUTH
Leonie is the founder & creative director of Bicycle South. A designer & environmental activist, Leonie is passionate about sustainability and a keen advocate for bicycle cities. When she is not blogging on local bicycle culture, you’ll find her adventuring on her gravel bike.

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