Terra Khaya Eco Backpackers

Off the beaten track, off the grid and off the hook, a vibrant mountain-top sanctuary high in the hills of Hogsback

Terra-Khaya was founded in March 2010 on Chillington Farm in Hogsback. The Backpackers, as an eco-friendly sustainable project, is an experimental venture that flagships the ethos of life “off the grid”. We aim, through our methods of living and building, to be an example to both our visitors and locals, that conscious living and respect for Mother Earth is something that is mutually simple and rewarding.

Accommodation options include camping, dorms and a range of cottages all constructed using sustainable building techniques, salvaged materials and local expertise. Self catering is available but shared meals are encouraged to limit waste, build community and share life experiences.

Take a ride on the wide side and enjoy our natural horsemanship experiences. We believe in forming trusting partnerships with our friendly, well-trained and easy to ride horses and offer a range of tailor made, memorable and alternate horse rides for both the experienced and first-time riders.

Combo Adventure tours include multi-day horse riding, mountain biking, abseiling and hikes in the area.

In keeping with the ethos of living responsibly and immersing ourselves in local culture, if you arrive at Terra-Khaya with public transport, you receive your first night of accommodation for free!

Visit our website for applicable T’s & C’s and more information on living your adventure “off the grid”


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