
Ride the Beloved Country

joberg2c is a 900km, 9 day, 110% mountain bike adventure across four provinces of South Africa. It is 99.5% off-road, passing through 220 private farms with more than 280km of single track trails.

Starting 85km south of Johannesburg and finishing at Umdoni Park Golf Club, Pennington on the south coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal, it is a tough rewarding journey that uplifts the soul. For some it is a race for most it is ride.

If you are fit enough to enjoy joberg2c, it could just be one of the best ways to experience a large part of South Africa and the incredible hospitality of local communities. Ride the Beloved Country.

Now in its eleventh year of existence, joberg2c attracts a loyal following of local and international riders.

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Johannesburg GP ZA
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