Alexandra Tours

Township Bicycle Tours with African Public Bicycles

Township Bicycle Tours with African Public Bicycles

The best way to experience life in a South African Township is on a bicycle with your local guide Jeff Mulaudzi. Meet the people, taste the food and enjoy a drink in the warm atmosphere of township dwellings. Make new friends and share the love with ordinary South Africans.

Learn of the hardships and challenges of daily life in Alexandra township close to Johannesburg’s bustling city centre. Enjoy the tales of people who experienced the “Long walk to Freedom” with Tata Nelson Mandela. This experience will take you on a “ride” back into South Africa’s history.

Jeffrey will take tourists to various heritage sites around Alexandra including a school, Nelson Mandela’s house, a shebeen and Mogudu. In Jeff’s own words: ” Touring in a bus is like visiting a zoo, I want people to communicate and interact with Alex and it’s people!”

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138 12th Ave, off Alfred Nzo Street
Alexandra 2014 ZA
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