Cape Town cyclists go as bare as they dare for a cause – the message to Make Cycling Safer and highlight the vulnerability of cyclists on the road.

The World Naked Bike Ride is a global event to raise awareness around environmental and mobility issues. In Cape Town well over 400 people from all walks of life converged on the Seapoint Library for the start of the ride. Some dressed up, others dressed down. They came on bicycles, skateboards and shanks pony but with a shared desire to see their city transformed.

The things I love most about the Naked Bike Ride:

– the sense of community and purpose, of being part of something that is bigger than you.
– the intoxicating feeling of freedom of expression and movement.
– the conversations that arise from not needing to ride single file.
– the smiles of fellow cyclists and passing motorists (a rarity most days).
– the laughs.
– and at the heart of it, a glimpse of a future Cape Town where the streets belong to everyone. Where each of us can play a role in creating an environment of mutual respect and tolerance between the people who drive cars and the people who cycle, walk and roll in the city. #ShareTheStreet #MakeCyclingSafer



  • Author Posts
Director & Founder of BICYCLE SOUTH
Leonie is the founder & creative director of Bicycle South. A designer & environmental activist, Leonie is passionate about sustainability and a keen advocate for bicycle cities. When she is not blogging on local bicycle culture, you’ll find her adventuring on her gravel bike.
Director & Founder of BICYCLE SOUTH
Leonie is the founder & creative director of Bicycle South. A designer & environmental activist, Leonie is passionate about sustainability and a keen advocate for bicycle cities. When she is not blogging on local bicycle culture, you’ll find her adventuring on her gravel bike.

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